User galleriesThis category contains albums that belong to Coppermine users.
111 files in 12 albums and 1 categories with 0 comments viewed 97,600 times
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1022 viewsSon in-law, Matt, going up to take large limbs off.
Tressal Table748 views
901 viewsThe vessel is a slightly different shade because I used sanding sealer on it. None on the lid yet
891 viewsProfile being started. Notice tenon on both ends. Part to the left will either be used as lid or jam chuck later.
Ball Within Ball1301 views
847 viewsreverse on jam chuck and turn away excess and form the foot. The vessel can be sanded now. After it dries, more hand sanding will be required.
Larry made file handles to give to the class897 viewsThe handles go on files in the shop for the students to use. One way to show them that they can make useful items.